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Site header image Fathalrhman Adam
Update on Feb 26, 2024

I am actively interested in exploring research opportunities in Software Engineering, reinforcement learning and robotics, or AI alignment, where I merge innovative theory with practical solutions as a machine learning engineer and software engineering graduate. I also bring a creative edge with a passion for UI&UX and graphic design. If you have any exciting projects or potential collaborations in these areas, please reach out.

I’m open to collaborations in the aforementioned areas. or any innovative initiative — feel free to schedule a time to connect here.

(View my resume)

Hi, I am Fathalrhman Adam

LinkedIn | X | Email | Resume |

I obtained my BSc of honours in Software Engineering at Al-Neelain University. My interests revolve around AI research areas where I strive to merge innovative theory with practical solutions.

I've gained valuable experience in machine learning engineering through diverse projects, and I'm actively exploring research opportunities in both industrial and academic settings. Besides research, I enjoy engaging with the open-source community and tackling challenging projects.


  • Sep 2024 - Jan 2025 Research and Data Analyst Intern, CLENT Africa, Leading coordination of renewable energy, environmental health, and climate change pilot projects; pioneering baseline studies, optimizing data collection protocols, and forging strategic partnerships.
  • May 2024 - Dec 2024 Community Manager, GitHub Digital Public Good, Directing community engagement initiatives for Github GDP partner, HERA Digital Health ; implementing guidelines and best practices for Open Source nerds to contribute to hera’s opensource platform.
  • May 2022 - Aug 2022 Project Coordinator, IEEE Sudan Subsection Led teams of 26+ volunteers to execute the IEEE Region 8 Sudanese Students and Young Professionals Congress; designed and managed exhibitions and projects focused on Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies.
  • Jan 2021 - Mar 2022 Machine Learning Engineer Intern, ShAI for AI Engineered and fine-tuned advanced machine learning models using Python, PyTorch, and TensorFlow.js; developed efficient data processing pipelines and maintained Jupyter/Colab notebooks for model training and evaluation.
